Olesya Krivtsova has an ankle monitor on one leg and an anti-Putin tattoo on the other leg. The Russian teenager from the Arkhangelsk region, 19, was charged with insulting the Russian army and encouraging terrorism on social media and is henceforth required to wear...
Roxanne Wadia
Roxanne is a freelance artist, content writer and editor based out of India with an ongoing curiosity to acquire knowledge. The curiosity fused with her experience as a freelance writer and content editor helps her to write on subjects valuable to her clients. She offers digital marketing content that gains social media attention and increases search engine visibility.
Caroline Albina Pereira
Caroline Pereira is an avid blogger for SocialImpulusor.com. She has majored in Sociology and Anthropology. Her love for writing and reading stems from the knowledge it brings to her and provides to others.
A Social Media Strategy For Small Businesses
In today’s world, social media has become a dominant force for virtually every company. In fact, a recent Pew Research study found that 73% of American adults have access to social media. And with that access comes immense opportunities for businesses of all sizes....
The Ultimate Guide To Social Media Platforms
Social media has taken the world by storm, and it never seems to be slowing down. You can find virtually anything on social media these days, from videos of cute kittens to videos of people dancing like no one’s watching. This incredible amount of content available on...